Here are six pictures of dubious quality that will show what I took up to Pottery Lovers in 1999.
1999 was a big year for Dragonfly pots. I don't think I have made any since. I have one or two that may go up for auction in the future.
Next, all green pots...
I was using two green glazes that year. One is my Jade and the other a matt green. The jade is particulrily beautiful when used over carved pieces, as it settles and darkens in the relief carving.
1999 was the first year for Alium pots. I had some killer pieces and they sold quickly. The big pot in the middle of this unfortunately overexposed photo was the high dollar piece that year. Russell walked right in and grabbed it.
All during that show I was saying, "Go down to Russell's room and lok at the pot of mine he bought. I'll put it up against any pot ever made for beauty." I still feel that way.
I had a number of blue on blue flower pots...
And a number of Peony pots.
And finally, a number of flower pots that are based on coneflowers.