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Here is the first of many group photos. I'll list the names for those that did not attend. Sr. Alcuin in the distance. Then Nick Correnti, Mike DeRienzo, Mary Julius, Mary Baker, Paul Ritter, Maureen O'Brien, Mary Wiesenhorn, Mike Brennan, Peg Poniewaz, Don Bellon, and Bev Brennan.
Ahhh, you recognize everyone here, I suspect.
Jim and Jim asking for Sister Tereseen's absolution....
Here is a new face, Bob Dunn with Barb and Mary.
A view of the general goings on. The reunion started promptly with the arrival of Mary and Mo and indeed, went until sunset.
And here are the three dutiful teachers that attended the reunion. I have to thank them. They added a special flavor to the mix of the day. A special thanks to Sister Alcuin for driving a g r e a t distance to ferry Sister Tereseen to and fro. Thank you, Sister.
A new face, a late arrival. That's Stephanie O'Brien talking to Don Bellon and Mike DeRienzo. Stephanie's parents also attended. In the course of the day, classmates came and went. There was also a Ram's football and a Cardinal's baseball game at the same time as the reunion. The consensus was that Don was the least changed. I heard that a couple times.
Not another picture of the two Jims!
Another group shot. This is the first appearance of Mary Buehler, with the dragonfly blouse.
It was good to see her. The B's and the E's always sat close to one another!
Hey, that's Michelle Travers...
Here is the biggest group shot. Courtesy of my 11 year old son. The only new face here is that of Jim Crowe, who is back on the left between DeRienzo and Winkler and has the huge laugh.