I have not been as productive as previously. I am glazing, but I am also taking a class one night a week and have started playing men's volleyball one night a week. That is two nights shot. And I have been firing everthing multiple times. That takes a lot of time. I figure the results are worth the effort. And there are other odd ball things going on that demand time. Hopefully things will smooth out a bit in the near future. I have been glazing and firing, but I have decided to hold off updating the "pots for sale" page until I have another group of pots finished. That will be at least a few weeks. The next batch of pots are going to be what everybody seems to want. (At least I hope so.)
Here are some fern pots that have already been fired- they are pictured here in the process of being glazed- and are going back in to the kiln next time I fire. They turned out nice, but I see a chance to dramaticly improve them with a very subtle glazing trick. Thinking like a painter again....
Here is another example of "thinking like a painter." I have been making tiles that are very painterly. And they are turning out wonderful. Next year, I have a plan to really capitalize on this ability.
Something else I have started doing is creating very special frames for my tiles. Some I am having made and some I make. They are still in the experimental stage, but they are very special. They involve work with wood, silver and copper. This set is in the framing process right now. Someone known as "the copper master" is working with me. It is very exciting and still in the formative stages. But I see, as Howard Carter said as he first popped his head in King Tut's tomb, "wonderful things" in the future.
I never expected to be working THIS close...
but these two A&C shaped pots have an unusual level of detail.
Here is that Lily Pond tile that is (was) sold on the last update. I reglazed it and someone bought it before it went in the kiln. I told the buyer is was ready to be refired and that he could accept or decline to purchase it after it came out. The glaze did some kind of bubbling trick on me. Oh well, it is going back in the kiln again!! Notice the added Koi in the water.
OK, here is why I keep refiring. These rain pots are not for sale until they appear on the website on the "for sale" page. They turned out wonderful and are going back in again!! Crazy, right? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
These two pots are going to be in the annual Art St. Louis Exhibition show. Two killer pieces.
Another inspirational piece from Doat. I steal from him as often as I can! I make a habit of it. I figure he would be flattered. As I am as people steal from me.
And this warm and fuzzy tureen is a great piece and inspires me to make some big animal pieces. (How many years have I been talking about making big garden frogs?)