First let me say that none of the following pots are yet for sale. These pots are going up to Zanesville for "Pottery Lovers" and will not be for sale until Friday evening, July 12th, at 6 o'clock when I open the door.
OK. I was not going to do any more of these biweekly updates until August or so. However, I feel compelled to post these pics so everyone can see what I have produced recently and what will be available on this website around September. Generally, there was a lot of disappointment for me in the last two months or so. Though I did get a number of killer pots, I lost 6 fine pots to the kiln. They cracked in ways I have not seen before and I do not know what caused the very distinctive problem. I'll figure it out. Onward.....
I have made two of these pots I call "Snow on the Meadow" pots. The other one was on the last for sale update and sold immediately. This is a killer pot and I hate to part with it. I will be making more of them in the future. It is a big bulbous pot....
Next, another one of a kind pot. The only one like it.
I made three Rain pots and this is the biggest of the bunch....
These pictures- and I have said I would remember and correct this problem in the past, but I obviously have not- are distorted by my camera. I have used a 55mm lens for years and now I am down around 40 and I keep forgeting that it roundly distorts the images. Well, I don't have time to redo things, so I offer my apologies. Not to you, TO MY POTS!! I have not represemted them well! Forward ho...
Another singular pot. The only Snake pot I made this year. It is big and HEAVY and has a family of 5 frogs inside.
I am bringing only one Poppy pot.... Well, maybe two, if I don't decide to keep one myself.
Three or four Grass pots. The one on the right is going back in the kiln tonight.
Three of these Sleet and Rain pots that have been fired five or six times each.... Gennerally, this shape pot can be refired without cracking.
I don't know how collectors will take to those pots above, but as a potter, I get excited with a surface like that.
I know anyone will be excited about the following pots. I only made four of them. Didn't have time for any others. This picture shows the pots before the final firing which will happen tonight. They should survive because of the shape. When they are fired the white sleet will tone down as it melts into the surface.
Pretty Japanesezy, huh? Gonna be expensive.
Finally a pic of three other pots. A great swirl gourd. By the way the one pictured in the last DAMN update did not survive when I tried to free it from the tile it was stuck to.
These are the most elaborate pieces. There are a lot of other nice pots as well. And I'll have a number of older pots too. In fact, one fellow, Dave, said he wants to collect one piece from each year I have been making. I think I'll go look for those right now.....